Women in fintech — Jasmína Henniová
Who are you?
My name is Jasmina and I was born and raised in the Czech Republic. I have been working in the non-profit sector for a few years and then got involved in the startup and innovation scene. Currently, I live in Vienna, Austria and work at Pioneers as a Head of Startups & Community Partnership. Pioneers is an open innovation platform connecting startups, investors and corporations.
How did you get involved with FinTechs?
At Pioneers, I am responsible for startup scouting and selection for Pioneers Ventures and Pioneers Events and for Community Partnerships with VCs, accelerators, incubators and other key players in the ecosystem. I have been assessing startups and working with partners across industries, often in the fintech field.
Did you experience any difficulties because of your age or gender?
Since I was 16, I have been working with an NGO promoting intercultural learning and inclusivity across cultures. I have been leading the local chapter and a team of 15 people when I was just 18. Back then I have never experienced any difficulties based on my age or gender.
When entering the business scene, I was surprised by how many skeptical looks, prejudices or even sexist jokes and remarks me or my colleagues would sometimes encounter.
Do you ever feel like you have to prove yourself more because you are a woman?
Sometimes I do. Once, I came into a meeting and was asked why do “they always send these young international women” — this wanna be joke froze my smile for a moment. Other times men would act like I was invisible in meetings and would only interact with my male colleagues.
How do you overcome it?
It can be disappointing at times if you are judged by other characteristics than expertise or quality of your work. I try not taking it personally, I do stand up for myself when necessary and I let my work speak for me. Nothing and no one can prove better your capabilities than the results of your work. If you feel like you don’t get enough opportunities to even show your qualities, try talking to other colleagues or people in the ecosystem who are in the position to support you and cover your back.
Would you recommend this career to others?
Absolutely yes, if this is what inspires you and drives you. I personally really enjoy learning about new technologies, discovering talented people and supporting the startups to grow and change the world for the better.
Who or what inspired you?
The potential of science and high technology to solve global challenges has been always inspiring me and driving me at daily work. I never thought that being a woman could be an obstacle.
What advice would you give to girls interested in fintechs?
Just do it!
Anything else to add?
There are many events, discussions and programs for women in business/tech/science and very often I see no men there. I think it’s important to include men in the dialogue.