Fintechlab TOP5–2020 week 18
Fintechlab TOP 5🔥 — Fintechlab’s weekly rundown of our favorite articles and resources this week

Hey everyone! We brought to you the most exciting news again, so you can be up to date everytime. If you still have questions about how to be effective at the home office, how to protect your money or what are the perks of the remote workshops, we’re here to help to find these answers. Take a look our sources! 👇
- Protecting the value of your money and keeping it safe. In actual safe
By Manisha Patel
We all know these are difficult and unprecedented times, with the vast majority of people working from home and accepting limits on basic personal freedoms that would have been unthinkable only a month ago.
2. The coronavirus crisis is fintech’s biggest test yet — and greatest opportunity to go mainstream
By Jen Wieczner
Now, as the novel coronavirus presents the world with its biggest economic challenge in more than a decade, fintech is having a moment of truth. In the video CEO Dan Schulman has a conversation with Fortune’s Jen Wieczner about how PayPal is responding to the crisis.
3. Why Smart Regulation Leads To Fintech Innovation
By Richie Serna
Transportation, music and television, travel and hospitality, all these markets (and many more) were turned on their heads by tech innovation and bold visions. The state of play in financial technology is different. It’s a heavily-regulated industry that’s historically — and justifiably — slower and more cautious to adopt emerging technologies.
4. How to take good meeting notes
By Katie Riley
Now that remote work is becoming the new norm, creating more efficient meeting notes is more important than ever.
Check out this article, it even contains an example note:
5. 8 surprising benefits of remote workshops
By Alaxandra Sutton
If you’ve never considered a remote workshop before, you might have been missing out. Some of the world’s largest organizations have been experimenting with digital collaborations for years. There are a few obvious reasons for that, including reduced travel costs and increased flexibility. But here are 8 benefits of remote sessions that might surprise you.
We’d love your feedback. Which article above is your favorite? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Let us know! Write to us at or tag @MKBFintechlab on any of our channels and use the hashtag #FTLtop5.
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